Pale Blue Flycatcher: Discovering the Subtle Elegance and Ecological Significance of a Small Bird with a Big Impact

Pale Blue Flycatcher, Da Lat, 10/2018.


Light gray flycatchers (males) have characteristic pale green plumage and a discontinuous black stripe from the eye to the upper part of the bill. The bird has a gray lower body (from neck to tail). The female differs from the male in that the back is brown and the upper part of the tail is reddish brown


The male pale blue flycatcher has distinctive pale blue plumage and has a dark discontinuous streak between the eyes and above the bill.  It has greyish underparts from throat to vent. The female is different with brown back and reddish brown upper tail.


Interesting information:

Interesting facts:

Pale Blue Flycatcher, Hanoi, October 2017

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